I also finished the fingerless gloves to match my hat & scarf from my previous blog entry.
I made a scarf for another friend. She gave me some novelty yarn a couple months ago. She's not a blog fan, so I can say I didn't like the yarn at all..........but I knew she did........so I made her a scarf & gave away the leftover yarn. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh.......don't tell her. No picture of the scarf. I don't like it. But I KNOW that she will & that's what counts. It's wrapped & sitting in a bag upstairs.
I made a baby hat & booties for my friend who just had a baby girl. I really wanted to make a sweater too........but there are SO MANY things I want to make, I stopped here.
I've been working on a cotton chenille blanket for months & am currently back at it. Simple garter stitch pattern.
I did start another pair of socks, but they are just sitting, now that I went back to my blanket.