Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Avatar??

These cartoon pictures are called "Avatars". It actually kind of looks like me, don't you think?? Except I wish I was that skinny. I have lost 20 pounds, 10 to go...........not fun.........that's another story........................

No knitting cuz I've been reading Harry Potter.......couldn't wait to get the audio from the library, though I still am on the waiting list.

And then no reading tonight because I took Lacey for our "short" walk. Met too many people & had tons of fun, but now I didn't get to read either..............our short walk ended up taking way longer than our long walk.

And then I played with this Avatar thing & added it to my blog.

Well, tomorrow is trash day & I'm ALWAYS successful in taking out my trash. See, I can do something right on schedule every week!! :)


Sockergirl said...

I love your avitar!!! You did a good job "finding yourself." I can't believe you even have Lake Washington in the back ground. It looks just like the park you frequently go.

k. said...

Cool avatar.
Are you on a diet?????

Anonymous said...

Hey Little Sis -- It's really fun to catch up on your blog and find out what you've been doing. I, too, love your avatar! It looks like you! Oh, poor Lacey! That is a very sad picture -- why do you have to shave her instead of cut her hair short?

It's almost midnight and very hot. My ceiling fan is on and the windows are open -- this is the first thing I've written since I got my computer back two days ago -- minus all my files -- I need to go to sleep -- I'll catch up with you later. Kisses.