Monday, June 18, 2007

Rats in the Belfry....or somewhere....

No one has called pest control, & no rats have been caught in my trap. I heard them in the wall again the night before last. I did talk to our president today, I told him that I'd call the pest control...........he said those of us who had rats would have to pitch in together to get it taken care of. Fair enough to me.

I have enjoyed having this time off work. My friend & her Dad came with me to pick out some light fixtures & they even installed them for me! So kind! Today I knitted some & have about 5" on my socks. I think I'll turn the heel at 6". I took my dog to the dog park, her favorite place, then came home & trimmed the bushes in my back yard. Now my arms are shaking so much from not using those muscles, I can't knit!! I just tried to knit a couple rows. I'm glad no one was video taping me, you would've laughed.

I don't want to go back to work tomorrow..........................maybe if all of you pitch in a buck I could retire. With 1 million readers of this famous blog, I would be a millionaire so quickly! :)


Sockergirl said...

I hate to tell you ... your million dollar plan is going to be a little slow to take off. WHY? well... you only have 62 hits on your blog so far.. sorry to bring bad news. Keep dreaming big!

Knitwise Cracker said...

Dearest Sockergirl,
The 62 hits are just the folks who wanted to see my complete profile & clicked on that..........that doesn't include the million people that just went to my blog, silly!!!!!!!! Oh, you mean I'm the silly one????

k. said...

Maybe you'd get more hits if you updated you blog more often? :-)

How was your knitting session??